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Yulia Vladimirovna Sergaeva

Yulia V. Sergaeva

Candidate of Philology degree,
Associate Professor,

Head of the English PhilologyDepartment 

Qualifications / Education
Omsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Diploma (Teaching English and German as Foreign Languages), 1985
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Candidate of Philology degree (1998),
Doctoral student 2007-2011.

Research Interests
lexical semantics, lexical creativity, English grammar theory, name studies, media studies

— English Grammar Theory
— English lexicology
— Current Issues in Lexical Semantics
— Lexical, Pragmatic and Semantic Aspects of Media Discourse
— Creativity and Linguistic Identity

Professional Activities and Memberships
— co-editor of the academic journal “Studia Linguistica”
— member of of the University Academic Council “Germanic and Roman Language Studies”
— council member of SPELTA (St.Petersburg English Language Teachers’ Association);
— member of IATEFL (The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.), PALA (Poetics and Linguistics Association), IALS (International Association of Literary Semantics), EUROCALL (European organization of Computer-Assisted Language Learning);
— web-site administrator

Selected Publications

In Russian:
Russian Names in American Naming Practices. Studia Linguistica № 14. Saint Petersburg, 2005
Linguistic and cognitive models of J.Joyce’s creativity. Vestnik LGU (LGU Herald), 2008.
English Group Names: The Problem of Optimal Nomination. Vestnik LGU (LGU Herald), 2009
Creative Name Giving in American and Russian Cultures. Russia and the West: the Dialogue of Cultures, Moscow State University, 2010

See the list  of Recent papers and books here

In English:

Sergayeva Yu. V. (2006). Focus on the Press. Saint Petersburg.

Sergaeva Yu. (2006).  Critical Thinking in Media Education, SPELTA Newsletter № 30, March.

Sergaeva Yu. (2008). The Word Games We Play with Collective Nouns. SPELTA Newsletter № 39, November.

Sergaeva Yu. (2010). The Art of Word Creation in the Digital Age. Proceedings of 2010 Doctoral Forum, Boston.

Sergaeva, Y. (2013). E-lexicography: neological resources and a creative linguistic personality in the digital age  // Life beyond Dictionaries : Proceedings of the X International school on lexicography, Ivanovo — Florence, September 12–14, 2013. – P. 233-236.

Sergaeva, Yu. V., Skripkina E. A. (2014). Name-coding as a literary play with a reader in «Finnegans wake» by J. Joyce // Academic science -problems and achievements IV : conference papers, North Charleston, July 07–08, 2014. – North Charleston: CreateSpace, 2014. – P. 207.

Sergaeva, Yu. V. (2015). Web-based boost in lexical creativity: new ways to shape language // Critical Call : Book of abstracts, Padova, 26–29.08. 2015. – Padova: Universita Degli studi di Padova. – P. 99-100. – EDN YXEUSD.

Beloglazova, E., SergaevaYu. (2016). Linguistic creativity in fiction and science // Events in communication and cognition : conference papers, 19–20.05.2016. / Moscow State Linguistic University. – P. 40-41. – EDN WCQKGD.

Malysheva, E. V., Sergaeva Yu. V., Zaitseva S.A. (2018). Introduction to Public Speaking and Presenting. Saint Petersburg. – 105 p. – ISBN 978-5-9500388-4-6. – EDN YSDMPL.

Beloglazova, E. V., Sergaeva Yu. V. (2020) What it means to be Tsar: semantic inflation or creative shift // Functional aspects of intercultural communication. Translation and interpreting issues : Collection of articles. – Moscow : Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН). – P. 90-96. – DOI 10.22363/2686-8199-2020-7-90-96.


Yulia Sergaeva at TESOL Doctoral Forum, Boston, USA with Prof.Arkhipov at the finals Giving a presentation on the media, Padua university, Italy